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The product block that describes a site subscription.


Bases: strEnum

The tier of a site, ranging from 1 to 4.

A lower value corresponds to a larger amount of installed equipment, and a higher cardinality of the connectivity to and from a site.

Source code in gso/products/product_blocks/
class SiteTier(strEnum):
    """The tier of a site, ranging from 1 to 4.

    A lower value corresponds to a larger amount of installed equipment, and a higher cardinality of the connectivity to
    and from a site.

    TIER1 = 1
    TIER2 = 2
    TIER3 = 3
    TIER4 = 4


Bases: ProductBlockModel

A site that's currently inactive, see SiteBlock.

Source code in gso/products/product_blocks/
class SiteBlockInactive(
    """A site that's currently inactive, see `SiteBlock`."""

    site_name: SiteName | None = None
    site_city: str | None = None
    site_country: str | None = None
    site_country_code: str | None = None
    site_latitude: LatitudeCoordinate | None = None
    site_longitude: LongitudeCoordinate | None = None
    site_internal_id: int | None = None
    site_bgp_community_id: int | None = None
    site_tier: SiteTier | None = None
    site_ts_address: IPAddress | None = None
    site_contains_optical_equipment: bool | None = None


Bases: SiteBlockInactive

A site that's currently being provisioned, see SiteBlock.

Source code in gso/products/product_blocks/
class SiteBlockProvisioning(SiteBlockInactive, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING]):
    """A site that's currently being provisioned, see `SiteBlock`."""

    site_name: SiteName
    site_city: str
    site_country: str
    site_country_code: str
    site_latitude: LatitudeCoordinate
    site_longitude: LongitudeCoordinate
    site_internal_id: int
    site_bgp_community_id: int
    site_tier: SiteTier
    site_ts_address: IPAddress
    site_contains_optical_equipment: bool


Bases: SiteBlockProvisioning

A site that's currently available for routers and services to be hosted at.


Name Type Description
site_name SiteName

The name of the site, that will dictate part of the FQDN of routers that are hosted at this site. For example:, where X denotes the name of the site.

site_city str

The city at which the site is located.

site_country str

The country in which the site is located.

site_country_code str

The code of the corresponding country. This is also used for the FQDN, following the example given for the site name, the country code would end up in the Y position.

site_latitude LatitudeCoordinate

The latitude of the site, used for SNMP purposes.

site_longitude LongitudeCoordinate

Similar to the latitude, the longitude of a site.

site_internal_id int

The internal ID used within GÉANT to denote a site.

site_bgp_community_id int

The BGP community ID of a site, used to advertise routes learned at this site.

site_tier SiteTier

The tier of a site, as described in SiteTier.

site_ts_address IPAddress

The address of the terminal server that this router is connected to. The terminal server provides out of band access. This is required in case a link goes down, or when a router is initially added to the network, and it does not have any IP trunks connected to it.

site_contains_optical_equipment bool

Whether this site contains optical equipment, which dictates the need for a DCN management VLAN.

Source code in gso/products/product_blocks/
class SiteBlock(SiteBlockProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
    """A site that's currently available for routers and services to be hosted at.

        site_name: The name of the site, that will dictate part of the FQDN of routers that are hosted at this site. For
            example: ``, where X denotes the name of the site.
        site_city: The city at which the site is located.
        site_country: The country in which the site is located.
        site_country_code: The code of the corresponding country. This is also used for the FQDN, following the example
            given for the site name, the country code would end up in the Y position.
        site_latitude: The latitude of the site, used for SNMP purposes.
        site_longitude: Similar to the latitude, the longitude of a site.
        site_internal_id: The internal ID used within GÉANT to denote a site.
        site_bgp_community_id: The BGP community ID of a site, used to advertise routes learned at this site.
        site_tier: The tier of a site, as described in `SiteTier`.
        site_ts_address: The address of the terminal server that this router is connected to. The terminal server
            provides out of band access. This is required in case a link goes down, or when a router is initially added
            to the network, and it does not have any IP trunks connected to it.
        site_contains_optical_equipment: Whether this site contains optical equipment, which dictates the need for a DCN
            management VLAN.

    site_name: SiteName
    site_city: str
    site_country: str
    site_country_code: str
    site_latitude: LatitudeCoordinate
    site_longitude: LongitudeCoordinate
    site_internal_id: int
    site_bgp_community_id: int
    site_tier: SiteTier
    site_ts_address: IPAddress
    site_contains_optical_equipment: bool