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Kentik client

The Kentik service is used for external interactions with Kentik.


Bases: BaseModel

API model for creating a new device in Kentik.

Source code in gso/services/
class NewKentikDevice(BaseModel):
    """API model for creating a new device in Kentik."""

    device_name: str
    device_description: str
    sending_ips: list[str]
    site_id: int
    device_snmp_ip: str
    device_bgp_flowspec: bool
    device_bgp_neighbor_ip: str
    device_bgp_neighbor_ip6: str


The client for Kentik that interacts with an external instance.

Source code in gso/services/
class KentikClient:
    """The client for Kentik that interacts with an external instance."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Instantiate a new Kentik Client."""
        self.config = load_oss_params().KENTIK
        self.session = requests.Session()
            "X-CH-Auth-Email": self.config.user_email,
            "X-CH-Auth-API-Token": self.config.api_key,
            "Content-Type": "application/json",

    def _send_request(
        self, method: Literal["GET", "POST", "PUT"], endpoint: str, data: dict[str, Any] | None = None
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        url = self.config.api_base + endpoint
        logger.debug("Kentik - Sending %s request to %s with headers %s", method, url, data)
        result = self.session.request(method, url, json=data).json()

        if "error" in result or "kentik_error" in result:
            msg = "Failed to process request in Kentik"
            raise ProcessFailureError(msg, details=result)

        logger.debug("Kentik - Received response %s", result)
        return result

    def _send_delete(self, endpoint: str, data: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> Response:
        url = self.config.api_base + endpoint
        logger.debug("Kentik - Sending delete request to %s with headers %s", url, data)
        return self.session.delete(url, json=data)

    def get_devices(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        """List all devices in Kentik.

        a list of shape `[{**device_1}, {**device_2}, ..., {**device_n}]}`.
        return self._send_request("GET", "v5/devices")["devices"]

    def get_device(self, device_id: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get a device by ID."""
        device = self._send_request("GET", f"v5/device/{device_id}")
        device.pop("custom_column_data", None)
        device.pop("custom_columns", None)
        return device

    def get_device_by_name(self, device_name: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Fetch a device in Kentik by its FQDN.

        If the device is not found, returns an empty dict.

            device_name: The FQDN of the sought device.
        devices = self.get_devices()
        for device in devices:
            if device["device_name"] == device_name:
                return device

        return {}

    def get_sites(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        """Get a list of all available sites in Kentik."""
        return self._send_request("GET", "v5/sites")["sites"]

    def get_site(self, site_id: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get a site by ID."""
        return self._send_request("GET", f"v5/site/{site_id}")

    def get_site_by_name(self, site_slug: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get a Kentik site by its name.

        If the site is not found, return an empty dict.

            site_slug: The name of the site, should be a three-letter slug like `COR` or `POZ`.
        sites = self.get_sites()
        for site in sites:
            if site["site_name"] == site_slug:
                return site

        return {}

    def get_plans(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        """Get all Kentik plans available.

        Returns a list of `plan` objects that each have the following shape:

        <!-- vale off -->
        "plan": {
            "active": true,
            "bgp_enabled": true,
            "cdate" "1970-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
            "company_id": 111111,
            "description": "A description of this plan",
            "deviceTypes": [
                {"device_type": "router"},
                {"device_type": "host-nprobe-dns-www"}
            "devices": [
                    "id": "111111",
                    "device_name": "",
                    "device_type": "router"
            "edate": "2999-01-01T09:09:09.000Z",
            "fast_retention": 10,
            "full_retention": 5,
            "id": 11111,
            "max_bigdata_fps": 100,
            "max_devices": 9001,
            "max_fps": 200,
            "name": "KENTIK-PLAN-01",
            "metadata": {},
        <!-- vale on -->

            A list of plans configured in Kentik.
        return self._send_request("GET", "v5/plans")["plans"]

    def get_plan(self, plan_id: int) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get a Kentik plan by ID."""
        return self._send_request("GET", f"v5/plan/{plan_id}")

    def get_plan_by_name(self, plan_name: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get a Kentik plan by its name.

        If the plan is not found, returns an empty dict.

            plan_name: The name of the plan.
        plans = self.get_plans()
        for plan in plans:
            if plan["name"] == plan_name:
                return plan

        return {}

    def create_device(self, device: NewKentikDevice) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Add a new device to Kentik."""
        plan_id = self.get_plan_by_name(self.config.placeholder_license_key)["id"]
        request_body = {
            "device": {
                "device_name": device.device_description,
                "device_type": self.config.device_type,
                "device_subtype": self.config.device_type,
                "minimize_snmp": self.config.minimize_snmp,
                "device_sample_rate": self.config.sample_rate,
                "plan_id": plan_id,
                "device_snmp_community": self.config.snmp_community,
                "device_bgp_type": self.config.bgp_type,
                "bgp_lookup_strategy": self.config.bgp_lookup_strategy,
                "device_bgp_neighbor_asn": str(self.config.ASN),
                "device_bgp_password": self.config.md5_password,

        new_device = self._send_request("POST", "v5/device", request_body)["device"]

        # The name of the device has to be updated from the subscription ID to its FQDN.
        # This is a limitation of the Kentik API that disallows settings device names containing a . symbol.
        self.update_device(new_device["id"], {"device": {"device_name": device.device_name}})
        new_device["device_name"] = device.device_name
        new_device.pop("custom_column_data", None)
        new_device.pop("custom_columns", None)

        return new_device

    def update_device(self, device_id: str, updated_device: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Update an existing device in Kentik."""
        device = self._send_request("PUT", f"v5/device/{device_id}", updated_device)["device"]
        device.pop("custom_column_data", None)
        device.pop("custom_columns", None)
        return device

    def remove_device(self, device_id: str, *, archive: bool) -> None:
        """Remove a device from Kentik.

            device_id: The Kentik internal ID of the device that is to be removed.
            archive: Archive the device instead of completely deleting it.
        if not archive:


    def remove_device_by_fqdn(self, fqdn: str, *, archive: bool) -> None:
        """Remove a device from Kentik, by its FQDN."""
        device_id = self.get_device_by_name(fqdn)["id"]
        self.remove_device(device_id, archive=archive)


Instantiate a new Kentik Client.

Source code in gso/services/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    """Instantiate a new Kentik Client."""
    self.config = load_oss_params().KENTIK
    self.session = requests.Session()
        "X-CH-Auth-Email": self.config.user_email,
        "X-CH-Auth-API-Token": self.config.api_key,
        "Content-Type": "application/json",


List all devices in Kentik.

Returns: a list of shape [{**device_1}, {**device_2}, ..., {**device_n}]}.

Source code in gso/services/
def get_devices(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
    """List all devices in Kentik.

    a list of shape `[{**device_1}, {**device_2}, ..., {**device_n}]}`.
    return self._send_request("GET", "v5/devices")["devices"]


Get a device by ID.

Source code in gso/services/
def get_device(self, device_id: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Get a device by ID."""
    device = self._send_request("GET", f"v5/device/{device_id}")
    device.pop("custom_column_data", None)
    device.pop("custom_columns", None)
    return device


Fetch a device in Kentik by its FQDN.

If the device is not found, returns an empty dict.


Name Type Description Default
device_name str

The FQDN of the sought device.

Source code in gso/services/
def get_device_by_name(self, device_name: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Fetch a device in Kentik by its FQDN.

    If the device is not found, returns an empty dict.

        device_name: The FQDN of the sought device.
    devices = self.get_devices()
    for device in devices:
        if device["device_name"] == device_name:
            return device

    return {}


Get a list of all available sites in Kentik.

Source code in gso/services/
def get_sites(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
    """Get a list of all available sites in Kentik."""
    return self._send_request("GET", "v5/sites")["sites"]


Get a site by ID.

Source code in gso/services/
def get_site(self, site_id: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Get a site by ID."""
    return self._send_request("GET", f"v5/site/{site_id}")


Get a Kentik site by its name.

If the site is not found, return an empty dict.


Name Type Description Default
site_slug str

The name of the site, should be a three-letter slug like COR or POZ.

Source code in gso/services/
def get_site_by_name(self, site_slug: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Get a Kentik site by its name.

    If the site is not found, return an empty dict.

        site_slug: The name of the site, should be a three-letter slug like `COR` or `POZ`.
    sites = self.get_sites()
    for site in sites:
        if site["site_name"] == site_slug:
            return site

    return {}


Get all Kentik plans available.

Returns a list of plan objects that each have the following shape:

"plan": {
    "active": true,
    "bgp_enabled": true,
    "cdate" "1970-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
    "company_id": 111111,
    "description": "A description of this plan",
    "deviceTypes": [
        {"device_type": "router"},
        {"device_type": "host-nprobe-dns-www"}
    "devices": [
            "id": "111111",
            "device_name": "",
            "device_type": "router"
    "edate": "2999-01-01T09:09:09.000Z",
    "fast_retention": 10,
    "full_retention": 5,
    "id": 11111,
    "max_bigdata_fps": 100,
    "max_devices": 9001,
    "max_fps": 200,
    "name": "KENTIK-PLAN-01",
    "metadata": {},


Type Description
list[dict[str, Any]]

A list of plans configured in Kentik.

Source code in gso/services/
def get_plans(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
    """Get all Kentik plans available.

    Returns a list of `plan` objects that each have the following shape:

    <!-- vale off -->
    "plan": {
        "active": true,
        "bgp_enabled": true,
        "cdate" "1970-01-01T01:01:01.000Z",
        "company_id": 111111,
        "description": "A description of this plan",
        "deviceTypes": [
            {"device_type": "router"},
            {"device_type": "host-nprobe-dns-www"}
        "devices": [
                "id": "111111",
                "device_name": "",
                "device_type": "router"
        "edate": "2999-01-01T09:09:09.000Z",
        "fast_retention": 10,
        "full_retention": 5,
        "id": 11111,
        "max_bigdata_fps": 100,
        "max_devices": 9001,
        "max_fps": 200,
        "name": "KENTIK-PLAN-01",
        "metadata": {},
    <!-- vale on -->

        A list of plans configured in Kentik.
    return self._send_request("GET", "v5/plans")["plans"]


Get a Kentik plan by ID.

Source code in gso/services/
def get_plan(self, plan_id: int) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Get a Kentik plan by ID."""
    return self._send_request("GET", f"v5/plan/{plan_id}")


Get a Kentik plan by its name.

If the plan is not found, returns an empty dict.


Name Type Description Default
plan_name str

The name of the plan.

Source code in gso/services/
def get_plan_by_name(self, plan_name: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Get a Kentik plan by its name.

    If the plan is not found, returns an empty dict.

        plan_name: The name of the plan.
    plans = self.get_plans()
    for plan in plans:
        if plan["name"] == plan_name:
            return plan

    return {}


Add a new device to Kentik.

Source code in gso/services/
def create_device(self, device: NewKentikDevice) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Add a new device to Kentik."""
    plan_id = self.get_plan_by_name(self.config.placeholder_license_key)["id"]
    request_body = {
        "device": {
            "device_name": device.device_description,
            "device_type": self.config.device_type,
            "device_subtype": self.config.device_type,
            "minimize_snmp": self.config.minimize_snmp,
            "device_sample_rate": self.config.sample_rate,
            "plan_id": plan_id,
            "device_snmp_community": self.config.snmp_community,
            "device_bgp_type": self.config.bgp_type,
            "bgp_lookup_strategy": self.config.bgp_lookup_strategy,
            "device_bgp_neighbor_asn": str(self.config.ASN),
            "device_bgp_password": self.config.md5_password,

    new_device = self._send_request("POST", "v5/device", request_body)["device"]

    # The name of the device has to be updated from the subscription ID to its FQDN.
    # This is a limitation of the Kentik API that disallows settings device names containing a . symbol.
    self.update_device(new_device["id"], {"device": {"device_name": device.device_name}})
    new_device["device_name"] = device.device_name
    new_device.pop("custom_column_data", None)
    new_device.pop("custom_columns", None)

    return new_device

update_device(device_id, updated_device)

Update an existing device in Kentik.

Source code in gso/services/
def update_device(self, device_id: str, updated_device: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Update an existing device in Kentik."""
    device = self._send_request("PUT", f"v5/device/{device_id}", updated_device)["device"]
    device.pop("custom_column_data", None)
    device.pop("custom_columns", None)
    return device

remove_device(device_id, *, archive)

Remove a device from Kentik.


Name Type Description Default
device_id str

The Kentik internal ID of the device that is to be removed.

archive bool

Archive the device instead of completely deleting it.

Source code in gso/services/
def remove_device(self, device_id: str, *, archive: bool) -> None:
    """Remove a device from Kentik.

        device_id: The Kentik internal ID of the device that is to be removed.
        archive: Archive the device instead of completely deleting it.
    if not archive:


remove_device_by_fqdn(fqdn, *, archive)

Remove a device from Kentik, by its FQDN.

Source code in gso/services/
def remove_device_by_fqdn(self, fqdn: str, *, archive: bool) -> None:
    """Remove a device from Kentik, by its FQDN."""
    device_id = self.get_device_by_name(fqdn)["id"]
    self.remove_device(device_id, archive=archive)