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Custom types for interfaces, both physical and logical.


Bases: BaseModel

A LAG member interface that consists of a name and description.

Source code in gso/utils/types/
class LAGMember(BaseModel):
    """A LAG member interface that consists of a name and description."""

    interface_name: str
    interface_description: str | None = None

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        """Calculate the hash based on the interface name and description, so that uniqueness can be determined."""
        return hash(self.interface_name)


Calculate the hash based on the interface name and description, so that uniqueness can be determined.

Source code in gso/utils/types/
def __hash__(self) -> int:
    """Calculate the hash based on the interface name and description, so that uniqueness can be determined."""
    return hash(self.interface_name)


Bases: LAGMember

A Juniper-specific LAG member interface.

Source code in gso/utils/types/
class JuniperLAGMember(LAGMember):
    """A Juniper-specific LAG member interface."""

    interface_name: JuniperPhyInterface


Bases: strEnum

Physical port capacity enumerator.

An enumerator that has the different possible capacities of ports that are available to use in subscriptions.

Source code in gso/utils/types/
class PhysicalPortCapacity(strEnum):
    """Physical port capacity enumerator.

    An enumerator that has the different possible capacities of ports that are available to use in subscriptions.


ONE_GIGABIT_PER_SECOND = '1G' class-attribute instance-attribute


TEN_GIGABIT_PER_SECOND = '10G' class-attribute instance-attribute


HUNDRED_GIGABIT_PER_SECOND = '100G' class-attribute instance-attribute


FOUR_HUNDRED_GIGABIT_PER_SECOND = '400G' class-attribute instance-attribute



Verify if interfaces are unique.

Raises a ValueError if the interfaces are not unique.


Name Type Description Default
interfaces list[LAGMember]

The list of interfaces.



Type Description

The list of interfaces

Source code in gso/utils/types/
def validate_interface_names_are_unique(interfaces: list[LAGMember]) -> list[LAGMember]:
    """Verify if interfaces are unique.

    Raises a `ValueError` if the interfaces are not unique.

        interfaces: The list of interfaces.

        The list of interfaces
    interface_names = [member.interface_name for member in interfaces]
    if len(interface_names) != len(set(interface_names)):
        msg = "Interfaces must be unique."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    return interfaces


Validate that the provided interface name matches the expected pattern.

The expected pattern for the interface name is one of 'ge', 'et', 'xe' followed by a dash '-', then a number between 0 and 19, a forward slash '/', another number between 0 and 99, another forward slash '/', and ends with a number between 0 and 99. For example: 'xe-1/0/0'. This only applies to Juniper-brand hardware.


Name Type Description Default
interface_name str

Interface name to validate.



Type Description

The interface name if match was successful, otherwise it will throw a ValueError exception.

Source code in gso/utils/types/
def validate_juniper_phy_interface_name(interface_name: str) -> str:
    """Validate that the provided interface name matches the expected pattern.

    The expected pattern for the interface name is one of 'ge', 'et', 'xe' followed by a dash '-',
    then a number between 0 and 19, a forward slash '/', another number between 0 and 99,
    another forward slash '/', and ends with a number between 0 and 99.
    For example: 'xe-1/0/0'. This only applies to Juniper-brand hardware.

        interface_name: Interface name to validate.

        The interface name if match was successful, otherwise it will throw a ValueError exception.
    pattern = re.compile(r"^(ge|et|xe)-1?\d/\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}$")
    if not bool(pattern.match(interface_name)):
        error_msg = (
            f"Invalid interface name. The interface name should be of format: xe-1/0/0, received: {interface_name}"
        raise ValueError(error_msg)
    return interface_name


Validate that the provided interface name matches the expected pattern for a LAG interface.

Interface names must match the pattern 'ae' followed by a one- or two-digit number.

Source code in gso/utils/types/
def validate_juniper_ae_interface_name(interface_name: str) -> str:
    """Validate that the provided interface name matches the expected pattern for a LAG interface.

    Interface names must match the pattern 'ae' followed by a one- or two-digit number.
    juniper_lag_re = re.compile("^ae\\d{1,2}$")
    if not juniper_lag_re.match(interface_name):
        msg = "Invalid LAG name, please try again."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    return interface_name


Expect a bandwidth definition to follow the pattern of an int followed by a single letter.

If this string does not consist of a number followed by a single

Source code in gso/utils/types/
def bandwidth_string_is_valid(bandwidth_string: str) -> str:
    """Expect a bandwidth definition to follow the pattern of an int followed by a single letter.

    If this string does not consist of a number followed by a single
    msg = f"Expected a network capacity, e.g. 40G or 200M. Got: {bandwidth_string}"
    if len(bandwidth_string) < 2:  # noqa: PLR2004 not a magic value
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if bandwidth_string[-1:] not in set("K" "M" "G" "T"):
        raise ValueError(msg)

        int(bandwidth_string[:-1])  # Try parsing the bandwidth number
    except ValueError as e:
        raise ValueError(msg) from e

    return bandwidth_string