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Create iptrunk

A creation workflow that deploys a new IP trunk service.

This the workflow that brings the subscription from INACTIVE to PROVISIONING. The deployment of a new IP trunk consist in the following steps:

  • Fill the form with the necessary fields:
    • SID
    • Type
    • Speed
    • Nodes
    • LAG interfaces with description
    • LAG members with description
  • WFO will query IPAM to retrieve the IPv4/IPv6 Networks necessary for the trunk. The container to use is specified in oss-params.json
  • The configuration necessary to deploy the LAG is generated and applied to the destination nodes using the Ansible playbook iptrunks.yaml This is done first in a dry mode (without committing) and then in a real mode committing the configuration. The commit message has the subscription_id and the process_id. Included in this, is the configuration necessary to enable LLDP on the physical interfaces.
  • Once the LAG interface is deployed, another Ansible playbook is called to verify that IP traffic can actually flow over the trunk ( iptrunk_checks.yaml)
  • Once the check is passed, the ISIS configuration will take place using the same iptrunks.yaml. Also in this case first there is a dry run and then a commit.
  • After this step the ISIS adjacency gets checked using iptrunks_checks.yaml

The trunk is deployed with an initial ISIS metric of 90.000 to prevent traffic to pass.


Gather input from the user in three steps. General information, and information on both sides of the trunk.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
def initial_input_form_generator(product_name: str) -> FormGenerator:
    """Gather input from the user in three steps. General information, and information on both sides of the trunk."""
    #  Add both provisioning and active routers, since trunks are required for promoting a router to active.
    active_and_provisioning_routers = subscriptions.get_active_router_subscriptions(
        includes=["subscription_id", "description"]
    ) + subscriptions.get_provisioning_router_subscriptions(includes=["subscription_id", "description"])
    routers = {str(router["subscription_id"]): router["description"] for router in active_and_provisioning_routers}

    class CreateIptrunkForm(FormPage):
        model_config = ConfigDict(title=product_name)

        tt_number: TTNumber
        partner: ReadOnlyField("GEANT", default_type=str)  # type: ignore[valid-type]
        iptrunk_description: str | None = None
        iptrunk_type: IptrunkType
        iptrunk_speed: PhysicalPortCapacity
        iptrunk_number_of_members: int

    initial_user_input = yield CreateIptrunkForm
    recommended_minimum_links = calculate_recommended_minimum_links(
        initial_user_input.iptrunk_number_of_members, initial_user_input.iptrunk_speed

    class VerifyMinimumLinksForm(FormPage):
        info_label: Label = f"This is the calculated minimum-links for this LAG: {recommended_minimum_links}"
        iptrunk_minimum_links: int = recommended_minimum_links
        info_label2: Label = "Please confirm or modify."

    verify_minimum_links = yield VerifyMinimumLinksForm
    router_enum_a = Choice("Select a router", zip(routers.keys(), routers.items(), strict=True))  # type: ignore[arg-type]

    class SelectRouterSideA(FormPage):
        model_config = ConfigDict(title="Select a router for side A of the trunk.")

        side_a_node_id: NetboxEnabledRouter[router_enum_a]  # type: ignore[valid-type]

    user_input_router_side_a = yield SelectRouterSideA
    router_a =
    router_a_fqdn = Router.from_subscription(router_a).router.router_fqdn

    juniper_ae_members = Annotated[

    if get_router_vendor(router_a) == Vendor.NOKIA:

        class NokiaLAGMemberA(LAGMember):
            interface_name: available_interfaces_choices(  # type: ignore[valid-type]

        ae_members_side_a_type = Annotated[
        ae_members_side_a_type = juniper_ae_members  # type: ignore[assignment, misc]

    class CreateIptrunkSideAForm(FormPage):
        model_config = ConfigDict(title=f"Provide subscription details for side A of the trunk. ({router_a_fqdn})")

        side_a_ae_iface: available_lags_choices(router_a) or str  # type: ignore[valid-type]
        side_a_ae_members: ae_members_side_a_type

    user_input_side_a = yield CreateIptrunkSideAForm
    # Remove the selected router for side A, to prevent any loops
    router_enum_b = Choice("Select a router", zip(routers.keys(), routers.items(), strict=True))  # type: ignore[arg-type]

    class SelectRouterSideB(FormPage):
        model_config = ConfigDict(title="Select a router for side B of the trunk.")

        side_b_node_id: NetboxEnabledRouter[router_enum_b]  # type: ignore[valid-type]

    user_input_router_side_b = yield SelectRouterSideB
    router_b =
    router_b_fqdn = Router.from_subscription(router_b).router.router_fqdn

    if get_router_vendor(router_b) == Vendor.NOKIA:

        class NokiaLAGMemberB(LAGMember):
            interface_name: available_interfaces_choices(  # type: ignore[valid-type]

        ae_members_side_b = Annotated[
                min_length=len(user_input_side_a.side_a_ae_members), max_length=len(user_input_side_a.side_a_ae_members)
        ae_members_side_b = juniper_ae_members  # type: ignore[assignment, misc]

    class CreateIptrunkSideBForm(FormPage):
        model_config = ConfigDict(title=f"Provide subscription details for side B of the trunk. ({router_b_fqdn})")

        side_b_ae_iface: available_lags_choices(router_b) or str  # type: ignore[valid-type]
        side_b_ae_members: ae_members_side_b

    user_input_side_b = yield CreateIptrunkSideBForm
    input_forms_data = (
        | verify_minimum_links.model_dump()
        | user_input_router_side_a.model_dump()
        | user_input_side_a.model_dump()
        | user_input_router_side_b.model_dump()
        | user_input_side_b.model_dump()
    summary_form_data = input_forms_data | {"side_a_node": router_a_fqdn, "side_b_node": router_b_fqdn}
    summary_fields = [
    yield from create_summary_form(summary_form_data, product_name, summary_fields)

    return input_forms_data

create_subscription(product, partner)

Create a new subscription object in the database.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Create subscription")
def create_subscription(product: UUIDstr, partner: str) -> State:
    """Create a new subscription object in the database."""
    subscription = IptrunkInactive.from_product_id(product, get_partner_by_name(partner).partner_id)

    return {
        "subscription": subscription,
        "subscription_id": subscription.subscription_id,


Allocate IP resources in IPAM.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Get information from IPAM")
def get_info_from_ipam(subscription: IptrunkInactive) -> State:
    """Allocate IP resources in IPAM."""
    new_ipv4_network = infoblox.allocate_v4_network(
    new_ipv6_network = infoblox.allocate_v6_network(
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv4_network = new_ipv4_network
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv6_network = new_ipv6_network

    return {
        "subscription": subscription,
        "new_ipv4_network": str(new_ipv4_network),
        "new_ipv6_network": str(new_ipv6_network),


Check if there already is a trunk with the same network resources assigned to it.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Check if assigned networks are already taken by other trunk subscription")
def check_existing_trunk_allocations(subscription: IptrunkInactive) -> None:
    """Check if there already is a trunk with the same network resources assigned to it."""
    if not subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv4_network or not subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv6_network:
        msg = "Missing IP resources in subscription object."
        raise ProcessFailureError(
            msg, details=[subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv4_network, subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv6_network]

    all_trunks = [
        for trunk in get_non_terminated_iptrunk_subscriptions()
        if trunk["subscription_id"] != subscription.subscription_id
    overlapping_ipv4_networks = [
        (trunk.description, trunk.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv4_network)
        for trunk in all_trunks
        if trunk.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv4_network.overlaps(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv4_network)
    overlapping_ipv6_networks = [
        (trunk.description, trunk.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv6_network)
        for trunk in all_trunks
        if trunk.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv6_network.overlaps(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv6_network)

    if overlapping_ipv4_networks or overlapping_ipv6_networks:
        msg = "Newly assigned IP networks overlap with existing IP trunk subscriptions, please investigate."
        raise ProcessFailureError(msg, details=[overlapping_ipv4_networks, overlapping_ipv6_networks])


Check if any hosts have already been assigned inside the IPv4 network in Netbox.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Check for existing DNS records in the assigned IPv4 network")
def dig_all_hosts_v4(new_ipv4_network: str) -> None:
    """Check if any hosts have already been assigned inside the IPv4 network in Netbox."""
    registered_hosts = [host for host in IPv4Network(new_ipv4_network) if infoblox.find_host_by_ip(IPv4Address(host))]

    if registered_hosts:
        msg = "One or more hosts in the assigned IPv4 network are already registered, please investigate."
        raise ProcessFailureError(msg, details=registered_hosts)


Check if any hosts have already been assigned inside the IPv6 network in Netbox.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Check for existing DNS records in the assigned IPv6 network")
def dig_all_hosts_v6(new_ipv6_network: str) -> None:
    """Check if any hosts have already been assigned inside the IPv6 network in Netbox."""
    registered_hosts = [host for host in IPv6Network(new_ipv6_network) if infoblox.find_host_by_ip(IPv6Address(host))]

    if registered_hosts:
        msg = "One or more hosts in the assigned IPv6 network are already registered, please investigate."
        raise ProcessFailureError(msg, details=registered_hosts)


Ping all hosts in the IPv4 network to verify they are not in use.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Ping all hosts in the assigned IPv4 network")
def ping_all_hosts_v4(new_ipv4_network: str) -> None:
    """Ping all hosts in the IPv4 network to verify they are not in use."""
    unavailable_hosts = [host for host in IPv4Network(new_ipv4_network) if ping(str(host), timeout=1)]

    if unavailable_hosts:
        msg = "One or more hosts in the assigned IPv4 network are responding to ping, please investigate."
        raise ProcessFailureError(msg, details=unavailable_hosts)


Ping all hosts in the IPv6 network to verify they are not in use.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Ping all hosts in the assigned IPv6 network")
def ping_all_hosts_v6(new_ipv6_network: str) -> State:
    """Ping all hosts in the IPv6 network to verify they are not in use."""
    unavailable_hosts = [host for host in IPv6Network(new_ipv6_network) if ping(str(host), timeout=1)]

    if unavailable_hosts:
        msg = "One or more hosts in the assigned IPv6 network are responding to ping, please investigate."
        raise ProcessFailureError(msg, details=unavailable_hosts)

    return {"__remove_keys": ["new_ipv4_network", "new_ipv6_network"]}

initialize_subscription(subscription, iptrunk_type, iptrunk_description, iptrunk_speed, iptrunk_minimum_links, side_a_node_id, side_a_ae_iface, side_a_ae_members, side_b_node_id, side_b_ae_iface, side_b_ae_members)

Take all input from the user, and store it in the database.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Initialize subscription")
def initialize_subscription(
    subscription: IptrunkInactive,
    iptrunk_type: IptrunkType,
    iptrunk_description: str | None,
    iptrunk_speed: PhysicalPortCapacity,
    iptrunk_minimum_links: int,
    side_a_node_id: str,
    side_a_ae_iface: str,
    side_a_ae_members: list[dict],
    side_b_node_id: str,
    side_b_ae_iface: str,
    side_b_ae_members: list[dict],
) -> State:
    """Take all input from the user, and store it in the database."""
    oss_params = load_oss_params()
    side_a = Router.from_subscription(side_a_node_id).router
    side_b = Router.from_subscription(side_b_node_id).router
    gs_id = generate_unique_id(prefix="GS")
    subscription.iptrunk.gs_id = gs_id
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_description = iptrunk_description
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_type = iptrunk_type
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_speed = iptrunk_speed
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_isis_metric = oss_params.GENERAL.isis_high_metric
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_minimum_links = iptrunk_minimum_links

    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node = side_a
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_ae_iface = side_a_ae_iface
    side_a_ga_id = generate_unique_id(prefix="GA")
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].ga_id = side_a_ga_id
    for member in side_a_ae_members:
  , **member),

    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_node = side_b
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_ae_iface = side_b_ae_iface
    side_b_ga_id = generate_unique_id(prefix="GA")
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].ga_id = side_b_ga_id
    for member in side_b_ae_members:
  , **member),
    side_names = sorted([side_a.router_site.site_name, side_b.router_site.site_name])
    subscription.description = f"IP trunk {side_names[0]} {side_names[1]}, {gs_id}"

    return {"subscription": subscription}

provision_ip_trunk_iface_dry(subscription, process_id, tt_number)

Perform a dry run of deploying configuration on both sides of the trunk.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("[DRY RUN] Provision IP trunk interface")
def provision_ip_trunk_iface_dry(subscription: IptrunkInactive, process_id: UUIDstr, tt_number: str) -> LSOState:
    """Perform a dry run of deploying configuration on both sides of the trunk."""
    extra_vars = {
        "wfo_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
        "dry_run": True,
        "verb": "deploy",
        "config_object": "trunk_interface",
        "commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - Deploy config for "

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks.yaml",
        "inventory": {
            "all": {
                "hosts": {
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,

provision_ip_trunk_iface_real(subscription, process_id, tt_number)

Deploy IP trunk configuration on both sides.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("[FOR REAL] Provision IP trunk interface")
def provision_ip_trunk_iface_real(subscription: IptrunkInactive, process_id: UUIDstr, tt_number: str) -> LSOState:
    """Deploy IP trunk configuration on both sides."""
    extra_vars = {
        "wfo_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
        "dry_run": False,
        "verb": "deploy",
        "config_object": "trunk_interface",
        "commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - Deploy config for "

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks.yaml",
        "inventory": {
            "all": {
                "hosts": {
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,


Check successful connectivity across the new trunk.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Check IP connectivity of the trunk")
def check_ip_trunk_connectivity(subscription: IptrunkInactive) -> LSOState:
    """Check successful connectivity across the new trunk."""
    extra_vars = {"wfo_ip_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)), "check": "ping"}

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks_checks.yaml",
        "inventory": {"all": {"hosts": {subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None}}},
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,

provision_ip_trunk_isis_iface_dry(subscription, process_id, tt_number)

Perform a dry run of deploying ISIS configuration.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("[DRY RUN] Provision IP trunk ISIS interface")
def provision_ip_trunk_isis_iface_dry(subscription: IptrunkInactive, process_id: UUIDstr, tt_number: str) -> LSOState:
    """Perform a dry run of deploying ISIS configuration."""
    extra_vars = {
        "wfo_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
        "dry_run": True,
        "verb": "deploy",
        "config_object": "isis_interface",
        "commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - Deploy config for "

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks.yaml",
        "inventory": {
            "all": {
                "hosts": {
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,

provision_ip_trunk_isis_iface_real(subscription, process_id, tt_number)

Deploy ISIS configuration on both sides.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("[FOR REAL] Provision IP trunk ISIS interface")
def provision_ip_trunk_isis_iface_real(subscription: IptrunkInactive, process_id: UUIDstr, tt_number: str) -> LSOState:
    """Deploy ISIS configuration on both sides."""
    extra_vars = {
        "wfo_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
        "dry_run": False,
        "verb": "deploy",
        "config_object": "isis_interface",
        "commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - Deploy config for "

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks.yaml",
        "inventory": {
            "all": {
                "hosts": {
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,


Run an Ansible playbook to confirm ISIS adjacency.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Check ISIS adjacency")
def check_ip_trunk_isis(subscription: IptrunkInactive) -> LSOState:
    """Run an Ansible playbook to confirm ISIS adjacency."""
    extra_vars = {"wfo_ip_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)), "check": "isis"}

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks_checks.yaml",
        "inventory": {"all": {"hosts": {subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None}}},
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,


Register DNS records for both sides of the newly created IP trunk.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Register DNS records for both sides of the trunk")
def register_dns_records(subscription: IptrunkInactive) -> State:
    """Register DNS records for both sides of the newly created IP trunk."""
    for index, side in enumerate(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides):
        fqdn = f"{side.iptrunk_side_ae_iface}-0.{side.iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn}"
        if not (subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv4_network and subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv6_network):
            msg = f"Missing IP resources in trunk, cannot allocate DNS record for side {fqdn}!"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        ipv4_addr = subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv4_network[index]
        ipv6_addr = subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv6_network[index + 1]

            fqdn, "TRUNK", str(subscription.subscription_id), ipv4_address=ipv4_addr, ipv6_address=ipv6_addr

    return {"subscription": subscription}


Create the LAG interfaces in NetBox and attach the LAG interfaces to the physical interfaces.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("NextBox integration")
def reserve_interfaces_in_netbox(subscription: IptrunkInactive) -> State:
    """Create the LAG interfaces in NetBox and attach the LAG interfaces to the physical interfaces."""
    nbclient = NetboxClient()
    for trunk_side in subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides:
        if get_router_vendor(trunk_side.iptrunk_side_node.owner_subscription_id) == Vendor.NOKIA:
            # Create LAG interfaces
            lag_interface: Interfaces = nbclient.create_interface(
                iface_name=trunk_side.iptrunk_side_ae_iface,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                device_name=trunk_side.iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            # Attach physical interfaces to LAG
            # Update interface description to subscription ID
            # Reserve interfaces
            for interface in trunk_side.iptrunk_side_ae_members:
                    device_name=trunk_side.iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                    iface_name=interface.interface_name,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                    device_name=trunk_side.iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                    iface_name=interface.interface_name,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
    return {
        "subscription": subscription,


Allocate the LAG interfaces for the Nokia router on side A.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Allocate interfaces in Netbox for side A")
def netbox_allocate_side_a_interfaces(subscription: IptrunkInactive) -> None:
    """Allocate the LAG interfaces for the Nokia router on side A."""


Allocate the LAG interfaces for the Nokia router on side B.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Allocate interfaces in Netbox for side B")
def netbox_allocate_side_b_interfaces(subscription: IptrunkInactive) -> None:
    """Allocate the LAG interfaces for the Nokia router on side B."""

create_new_sharepoint_checklist(subscription, tt_number, process_id)

Create a new checklist item in SharePoint for approving this IP trunk.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Create a new SharePoint checklist item")
def create_new_sharepoint_checklist(subscription: IptrunkProvisioning, tt_number: str, process_id: UUIDstr) -> State:
    """Create a new checklist item in SharePoint for approving this IP trunk."""
    new_list_item_url = SharePointClient().add_list_item(
            "Title": f"{subscription.description} - {subscription.iptrunk.gs_id}",
            "TT_NUMBER": tt_number,
            "GAP_PROCESS_URL": f"{load_oss_params().GENERAL.public_hostname}/workflows/{process_id}",
            "ACTIVITY_TYPE": "Creation",

    return {"checklist_url": new_list_item_url}


Create a new IP trunk.

  • Create the subscription object in the database
  • Gather relevant information from Infoblox
  • Reserve interfaces in Netbox
  • Deploy configuration on the two sides of the trunk, first as a dry run
  • Check connectivity on the new trunk
  • Deploy the new ISIS metric on the trunk, first as a dry run
  • Verify ISIS adjacency
  • Allocate the interfaces in Netbox
  • Set the subscription to active in the database
Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
    "Create IP trunk",
def create_iptrunk() -> StepList:
    """Create a new IP trunk.

    * Create the subscription object in the database
    * Gather relevant information from Infoblox
    * Reserve interfaces in Netbox
    * Deploy configuration on the two sides of the trunk, first as a dry run
    * Check connectivity on the new trunk
    * Deploy the new ISIS metric on the trunk, first as a dry run
    * Verify ISIS adjacency
    * Allocate the interfaces in Netbox
    * Set the subscription to active in the database
    side_a_is_nokia = conditional(lambda state: get_router_vendor(state["side_a_node_id"]) == Vendor.NOKIA)
    side_b_is_nokia = conditional(lambda state: get_router_vendor(state["side_b_node_id"]) == Vendor.NOKIA)

    assign_ip_networks = step_group(
        name="Assign IP networks",
            >> get_info_from_ipam
            >> check_existing_trunk_allocations
            >> dig_all_hosts_v4
            >> dig_all_hosts_v6
            >> ping_all_hosts_v4
            >> ping_all_hosts_v6

    return (
        >> create_subscription
        >> store_process_subscription(Target.CREATE)
        >> initialize_subscription
        >> assign_ip_networks
        >> reserve_interfaces_in_netbox
        >> lso_interaction(provision_ip_trunk_iface_dry)
        >> lso_interaction(provision_ip_trunk_iface_real)
        >> lso_interaction(check_ip_trunk_connectivity)
        >> lso_interaction(provision_ip_trunk_isis_iface_dry)
        >> lso_interaction(provision_ip_trunk_isis_iface_real)
        >> lso_interaction(check_ip_trunk_isis)
        >> register_dns_records
        >> side_a_is_nokia(netbox_allocate_side_a_interfaces)
        >> side_b_is_nokia(netbox_allocate_side_b_interfaces)
        >> set_status(SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING)
        >> create_new_sharepoint_checklist
        >> prompt_sharepoint_checklist_url
        >> resync
        >> done