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Modify trunk interface

A modification workflow that updates the LAG interfaces that are part of an existing IP trunk.

Modifies LAG interfaces and members. This is used to increase capacity or to change SID/interface descriptions.

The strategy is to re-apply the necessary template to the configuration construct: using a "replace" strategy only the necessary modifications will be applied.

initialize_ae_members(subscription, initial_user_input, side_index)

Initialize the list of AE members.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
def initialize_ae_members(
    subscription: Iptrunk, initial_user_input: dict, side_index: int
) -> type[LAGMemberList[LAGMember]]:
    """Initialize the list of AE members."""
    router = subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[side_index].iptrunk_side_node
    router_vendor = get_router_vendor(router.owner_subscription_id)
    iptrunk_number_of_members = initial_user_input["iptrunk_number_of_members"]
    if router_vendor == Vendor.NOKIA:
        iptrunk_speed = initial_user_input["iptrunk_speed"]

        class NokiaLAGMember(LAGMember):
            interface_name: (  # type: ignore[valid-type]
                if iptrunk_speed == subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_speed
                else (

        return Annotated[  # type: ignore[return-value]
            Len(min_length=iptrunk_number_of_members, max_length=iptrunk_number_of_members),

    return Annotated[  # type: ignore[return-value]
        Len(min_length=iptrunk_number_of_members, max_length=iptrunk_number_of_members),


Gather input from the operator on the interfaces that should be modified.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
def initial_input_form_generator(subscription_id: UUIDstr) -> FormGenerator:
    """Gather input from the operator on the interfaces that should be modified."""
    subscription = Iptrunk.from_subscription(subscription_id)

    class ModifyIptrunkForm(FormPage):
        tt_number: TTNumber
        gs_id: (
                str, AfterValidator(partial(validate_field_is_unique, subscription_id)), Field(pattern=r"^GS-\d{5}$")
            | None
        ) = subscription.iptrunk.gs_id
        iptrunk_description: str | None = subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_description
        iptrunk_type: IptrunkType = subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_type
        warning_label: Label = (
            "Changing the PhyPortCapacity will result in the deletion of all AE members. "
            "You will need to add the new AE members in the next steps."
        iptrunk_speed: PhysicalPortCapacity = subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_speed
        iptrunk_number_of_members: int = len(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_ae_members)
        iptrunk_isis_metric: ReadOnlyField(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_isis_metric, default_type=int)  # type: ignore[valid-type]
        iptrunk_ipv4_network: ReadOnlyField(  # type: ignore[valid-type]
            str(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv4_network), default_type=IPv4AddressType
        iptrunk_ipv6_network: ReadOnlyField(  # type: ignore[valid-type]
            str(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_ipv6_network), default_type=IPv6AddressType

    initial_user_input = yield ModifyIptrunkForm

    recommended_minimum_links = calculate_recommended_minimum_links(
        initial_user_input.iptrunk_number_of_members, initial_user_input.iptrunk_speed

    class VerifyMinimumLinksForm(FormPage):
        info_label: Label = f"Current value of minimum-links : {subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_minimum_links}"
        info_label1: Label = f"Recommended minimum-links for this LAG: {recommended_minimum_links}"
        iptrunk_minimum_links: int = recommended_minimum_links
        info_label2: Label = "Please review the recommended value and adjust if necessary."

    verify_minimum_links = yield VerifyMinimumLinksForm
    ae_members_side_a = initialize_ae_members(subscription, initial_user_input.model_dump(), 0)

    class ModifyIptrunkSideAForm(FormPage):
        model_config = ConfigDict(title="Provide subscription details for side A of the trunk.")

        side_a_node: ReadOnlyField(  # type: ignore[valid-type]
            subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn, default_type=str
        side_a_ae_iface: ReadOnlyField(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_ae_iface, default_type=str)  # type: ignore[valid-type]
        side_a_ga_id: str | None = subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].ga_id
        side_a_ae_members: ae_members_side_a = (  # type: ignore[valid-type]
            if initial_user_input.iptrunk_speed == subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_speed
            else []

    user_input_side_a = yield ModifyIptrunkSideAForm
    ae_members_side_b = initialize_ae_members(subscription, initial_user_input.model_dump(), 1)

    class ModifyIptrunkSideBForm(SubmitFormPage):
        model_config = ConfigDict(title="Provide subscription details for side B of the trunk.")

        side_b_node: ReadOnlyField(  # type: ignore[valid-type]
            subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn, default_type=str
        side_b_ae_iface: ReadOnlyField(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_ae_iface, default_type=str)  # type: ignore[valid-type]
        side_b_ga_id: str | None = subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].ga_id
        side_b_ae_members: ae_members_side_b = (  # type: ignore[valid-type]
            if initial_user_input.iptrunk_speed == subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_speed
            else []

    user_input_side_b = yield ModifyIptrunkSideBForm

    return (
        | user_input_side_a.model_dump()
        | user_input_side_b.model_dump()
        | verify_minimum_links.model_dump()

determine_change_in_capacity(subscription, iptrunk_speed, side_a_ae_members, side_b_ae_members)

Determine whether we should run pre- and post-checks on the IP trunk.

This can be caused by the following conditions
  • The total capacity of the trunk changes
  • The amount of interfaces changes
  • One or more interface names have changed on side A
  • One or more interface names have changed on side B
Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Determine whether we should be running interface checks")
def determine_change_in_capacity(
    subscription: Iptrunk, iptrunk_speed: str, side_a_ae_members: list[dict], side_b_ae_members: list[dict]
) -> State:
    """Determine whether we should run pre- and post-checks on the IP trunk.

    This can be caused by the following conditions:
     * The total capacity of the trunk changes
     * The amount of interfaces changes
     * One or more interface names have changed on side A
     * One or more interface names have changed on side B
    capacity_has_changed = (
        iptrunk_speed != subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_speed
        or len(side_a_ae_members) != len(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_ae_members)
        or any(
            old_interface.interface_name != new_interface["interface_name"]
            for old_interface, new_interface in zip(
                subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_ae_members, side_a_ae_members, strict=False
        or any(
            old_interface.interface_name != new_interface["interface_name"]
            for old_interface, new_interface in zip(
                subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_ae_members, side_b_ae_members, strict=False

    return {"capacity_has_changed": capacity_has_changed}


Check successful connectivity across a trunk.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Check IP connectivity of the trunk")
def check_ip_trunk_connectivity(subscription: Iptrunk) -> LSOState:
    """Check successful connectivity across a trunk."""
    extra_vars = {"wfo_ip_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)), "check": "ping"}

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks_checks.yaml",
        "inventory": {
            "all": {
                "hosts": {
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,


Check LLDP on trunk endpoints.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Check LLDP on the trunk endpoints")
def check_ip_trunk_lldp(subscription: Iptrunk) -> LSOState:
    """Check LLDP on trunk endpoints."""
    extra_vars = {"wfo_ip_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)), "check": "lldp"}

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks_checks.yaml",
        "inventory": {
            "all": {
                "hosts": {
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,

update_side_members(subscription, side_index, new_members)

Update the AE members for a given side without removing unchanged members.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
def update_side_members(subscription: Iptrunk, side_index: int, new_members: list[dict]) -> None:
    """Update the AE members for a given side without removing unchanged members."""
    # Prepare a dictionary for quick lookup of existing members by name
    current_members = subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[side_index].iptrunk_side_ae_members
    existing_members_dict = {member.interface_name: member for member in current_members}

    # Iterate over new members and update or add them
    for new_member in new_members:
        interface_name = new_member["interface_name"]
        if interface_name in existing_members_dict:
            # Member exists, update details but keep the same subscription ID
            existing_member = existing_members_dict[interface_name]
            existing_member.interface_description = new_member["interface_description"]
            # New member, create a new subscription ID
            current_members.append(, **new_member))

    # Remove members that are no longer in the new members list
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[side_index].iptrunk_side_ae_members = [
        member for member in current_members if member.interface_name in [m["interface_name"] for m in new_members]

modify_iptrunk_subscription(subscription, gs_id, iptrunk_type, iptrunk_description, iptrunk_speed, iptrunk_minimum_links, side_a_ga_id, side_a_ae_members, side_b_ga_id, side_b_ae_members)

Modify the subscription in the service database, reflecting the changes to the newly selected interfaces.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Update subscription")
def modify_iptrunk_subscription(
    subscription: Iptrunk,
    gs_id: str | None,
    iptrunk_type: IptrunkType,
    iptrunk_description: str | None,
    iptrunk_speed: PhysicalPortCapacity,
    iptrunk_minimum_links: int,
    side_a_ga_id: str | None,
    side_a_ae_members: list[dict],
    side_b_ga_id: str | None,
    side_b_ae_members: list[dict],
) -> State:
    """Modify the subscription in the service database, reflecting the changes to the newly selected interfaces."""
    # Prepare the list of removed AE members
    previous_ae_members = [
                "interface_name": member.interface_name,
                "interface_description": member.interface_description,
            for member in side.iptrunk_side_ae_members
        for side in subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides
    removed_ae_members = []
    # Compare previous and current members to determine which ones were removed
    for side_index in range(2):
        previous_members = previous_ae_members[side_index]
        current_members = side_a_ae_members if side_index == 0 else side_b_ae_members
            for ae_member in previous_members
            if ae_member["interface_name"] not in [m["interface_name"] for m in current_members]
    # Update the subscription
    subscription.iptrunk.gs_id = gs_id
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_description = iptrunk_description
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_type = iptrunk_type
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_speed = iptrunk_speed
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_minimum_links = iptrunk_minimum_links

    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].ga_id = side_a_ga_id
    update_side_members(subscription, 0, side_a_ae_members)
    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].ga_id = side_b_ga_id
    update_side_members(subscription, 1, side_b_ae_members)

    side_names = sorted([
    subscription.description = f"IP trunk {side_names[0]} {side_names[1]}, {gs_id}"

    return {
        "subscription": subscription,
        "removed_ae_members": removed_ae_members,
        "previous_ae_members": previous_ae_members,

provision_ip_trunk_iface_dry(subscription, process_id, tt_number, removed_ae_members)

Perform a dry run of deploying the updated IP trunk.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("[DRY RUN] Provision IP trunk interface")
def provision_ip_trunk_iface_dry(
    subscription: Iptrunk, process_id: UUIDstr, tt_number: str, removed_ae_members: list[str]
) -> LSOState:
    """Perform a dry run of deploying the updated IP trunk."""
    extra_vars = {
        "wfo_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
        "dry_run": True,
        "verb": "deploy",
        "config_object": "trunk_interface",
        "removed_ae_members": removed_ae_members,
        "commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - Deploy config for "

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks.yaml",
        "inventory": {
            "all": {
                "hosts": {
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,

provision_ip_trunk_iface_real(subscription, process_id, tt_number, removed_ae_members)

Provision the new IP trunk with updated interfaces.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("[FOR REAL] Provision IP trunk interface")
def provision_ip_trunk_iface_real(
    subscription: Iptrunk, process_id: UUIDstr, tt_number: str, removed_ae_members: list[str]
) -> LSOState:
    """Provision the new IP trunk with updated interfaces."""
    extra_vars = {
        "wfo_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
        "dry_run": False,
        "verb": "deploy",
        "config_object": "trunk_interface",
        "removed_ae_members": removed_ae_members,
        "commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - Deploy config for "

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks.yaml",
        "inventory": {
            "all": {
                "hosts": {
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,

netbox_update_interfaces_side_a(subscription, removed_ae_members, previous_ae_members)

Update Netbox such that it contains the new interfaces on side A.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Netbox: Reserve side A interfaces")
def netbox_update_interfaces_side_a(
    subscription: Iptrunk, removed_ae_members: list[list[dict]], previous_ae_members: list[list[dict]]
) -> None:
    """Update Netbox such that it contains the new interfaces on side A."""

netbox_update_interfaces_side_b(subscription, removed_ae_members, previous_ae_members)

Update Netbox such that it contains the new interfaces on side B.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Netbox: Reserve side B interfaces")
def netbox_update_interfaces_side_b(
    subscription: Iptrunk, removed_ae_members: list[list[dict]], previous_ae_members: list[list[dict]]
) -> None:
    """Update Netbox such that it contains the new interfaces on side B."""

allocate_interfaces_in_netbox_side_a(subscription, previous_ae_members)

Allocate the LAG interfaces on side A in Netbox.

Attach the LAG interface to the physical interface detach old one from the LAG.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Netbox: Allocate side A interfaces")
def allocate_interfaces_in_netbox_side_a(subscription: Iptrunk, previous_ae_members: list[list[dict]]) -> None:
    """Allocate the LAG interfaces on side A in Netbox.

    Attach the LAG interface to the physical interface detach old one from the LAG.
    _netbox_allocate_interfaces(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0], previous_ae_members[0])

allocate_interfaces_in_netbox_side_b(subscription, previous_ae_members)

Allocate the LAG interface on side B in Netbox.

Attach the LAG interface to the physical interface detach old one from the LAG.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Netbox: Allocate side B interfaces")
def allocate_interfaces_in_netbox_side_b(subscription: Iptrunk, previous_ae_members: list[list[dict]]) -> None:
    """Allocate the LAG interface on side B in Netbox.

    Attach the LAG interface to the physical interface detach old one from the LAG.
    _netbox_allocate_interfaces(subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1], previous_ae_members[1])


Check Optical POST levels on the trunk.

Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
@step("Check Optical POST levels on the trunk endpoint")
def check_ip_trunk_optical_levels_post(subscription: Iptrunk) -> LSOState:
    """Check Optical POST levels on the trunk."""
    extra_vars = {"wfo_ip_trunk_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)), "check": "optical_post"}

    return {
        "playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/iptrunks_checks.yaml",
        "inventory": {
            "all": {
                "hosts": {
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[0].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
                    subscription.iptrunk.iptrunk_sides[1].iptrunk_side_node.router_fqdn: None,
        "extra_vars": extra_vars,


Modify the interfaces that are part of an IP trunk.

  • Update the subscription in the database
  • Reserve new interfaces in Netbox
  • Provision the updated version of the IP trunk, first as a dry run
  • Allocate the reserved interfaces in Netbox
Source code in gso/workflows/iptrunk/
    "Modify IP Trunk interface",
def modify_trunk_interface() -> StepList:
    """Modify the interfaces that are part of an IP trunk.

    * Update the subscription in the database
    * Reserve new interfaces in Netbox
    * Provision the updated version of the IP trunk, first as a dry run
    * Allocate the reserved interfaces in Netbox
    side_a_is_nokia = conditional(
        lambda state: get_router_vendor(
        == Vendor.NOKIA
    side_b_is_nokia = conditional(
        lambda state: get_router_vendor(
        == Vendor.NOKIA
    capacity_has_changed = conditional(lambda state: state["capacity_has_changed"])

    return (
        >> store_process_subscription(Target.MODIFY)
        >> unsync
        >> determine_change_in_capacity
        >> capacity_has_changed(lso_interaction(check_ip_trunk_lldp))
        >> capacity_has_changed(lso_interaction(check_ip_trunk_optical_levels_pre))
        >> capacity_has_changed(lso_interaction(check_ip_trunk_connectivity))
        >> capacity_has_changed(lso_interaction(check_ip_trunk_isis))
        >> modify_iptrunk_subscription
        >> side_a_is_nokia(netbox_update_interfaces_side_a)
        >> side_b_is_nokia(netbox_update_interfaces_side_b)
        >> lso_interaction(provision_ip_trunk_iface_dry)
        >> lso_interaction(provision_ip_trunk_iface_real)
        >> side_a_is_nokia(allocate_interfaces_in_netbox_side_a)
        >> side_b_is_nokia(allocate_interfaces_in_netbox_side_b)
        >> capacity_has_changed(lso_interaction(check_ip_trunk_lldp))
        >> capacity_has_changed(lso_interaction(check_ip_trunk_optical_levels_post))
        >> capacity_has_changed(lso_interaction(check_ip_trunk_connectivity))
        >> capacity_has_changed(lso_interaction(check_ip_trunk_isis))
        >> resync
        >> done