A workflow that terminates a router.
To terminate a router, the workflow terminate_router
is used. The operator is presented with an input form that
requires once again a trouble ticket number. On top of this, there is also the option whether this workflow should
remove all configuration on the router, and whether IPAM entries related to this device should be removed.
The workflow consists of the following steps:
- Deprovision IPAM resources (if selected).
- Try to remove configuration form the router (if selected).
- Commit removal of configuration (if selected).
- For Nokia devices: remove interfaces from Netbox.
- Remove the device from LibreNMS.
- For PE routers: apply the archiving license in Kentik.
- Set the subscription status to
Let the operator decide whether to delete configuration on the router, and clear up IPAM resources.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| def initial_input_form_generator(subscription_id: UUIDstr) -> FormGenerator:
"""Let the operator decide whether to delete configuration on the router, and clear up IPAM resources."""
router = Router.from_subscription(subscription_id)
class TerminateForm(SubmitFormPage):
if router.status == SubscriptionLifecycle.INITIAL:
info_label_2: Label = (
"This will immediately mark the subscription as terminated, preventing any other workflows from "
"interacting with this product subscription."
tt_number: TTNumber
termination_label: Label = "Please confirm whether configuration should get removed from the router."
remove_configuration: bool = True
update_ibgp_mesh_label: Label = "Please confirm whether the iBGP mesh should get updated."
update_ibgp_mesh: bool = True
user_input = yield TerminateForm
return user_input.model_dump() | {
"router_is_nokia": router.router.vendor == Vendor.NOKIA,
"router_role": router.router.router_role,
Clear up the loopback addresses from IPAM.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("Deprovision loopback IPs from IPAM")
def deprovision_loopback_ips(subscription: Router) -> dict:
"""Clear up the loopback addresses from IPAM."""
return {"subscription": subscription}
remove_config_from_router_dry(subscription, process_id, tt_number)
Remove configuration from the router, first as a dry run.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("[DRY RUN] Remove configuration from router")
def remove_config_from_router_dry(subscription: Router, process_id: UUIDstr, tt_number: str) -> LSOState:
"""Remove configuration from the router, first as a dry run."""
extra_vars = {
"wfo_router_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
"dry_run": True,
"verb": "terminate",
"commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - Terminating "
return {
"playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/base_config.yaml",
"inventory": {"all": {"hosts": {subscription.router.router_fqdn: None}}},
"extra_vars": extra_vars,
remove_config_from_router_real(subscription, process_id, tt_number)
Remove configuration from the router.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("[FOR REAL] Remove configuration from router")
def remove_config_from_router_real(subscription: Router, process_id: UUIDstr, tt_number: str) -> LSOState:
"""Remove configuration from the router."""
extra_vars = {
"wfo_router_json": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
"dry_run": False,
"verb": "terminate",
"commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - Terminating "
return {
"playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/base_config.yaml",
"inventory": {"all": {"hosts": {subscription.router.router_fqdn: None}}},
"extra_vars": extra_vars,
Remove the device from Netbox.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("Remove Device from Netbox")
def remove_device_from_netbox(subscription: Router) -> dict[str, Router]:
"""Remove the device from Netbox."""
return {"subscription": subscription}
remove_p_from_all_pe_dry(subscription, tt_number, process_id)
Perform a dry run of removing the terminated router from all the PE routers.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("[DRY RUN] Remove P router from all the PE routers")
def remove_p_from_all_pe_dry(subscription: Router, tt_number: str, process_id: UUIDstr) -> LSOState:
"""Perform a dry run of removing the terminated router from all the PE routers."""
extra_vars = {
"dry_run": True,
"subscription": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
"commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - "
f"Remove {subscription.router.router_fqdn} from all the PE routers",
"verb": "remove_p_from_pe",
return {
"playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/update_ibgp_mesh.yaml",
"inventory": generate_inventory_for_routers(RouterRole.PE),
"extra_vars": extra_vars,
remove_p_from_all_pe_real(subscription, tt_number, process_id)
Perform a real run of removing the terminated router from all the PE routers.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("[REAL RUN] Remove P router from all the PE routers")
def remove_p_from_all_pe_real(subscription: Router, tt_number: str, process_id: UUIDstr) -> LSOState:
"""Perform a real run of removing the terminated router from all the PE routers."""
extra_vars = {
"dry_run": False,
"subscription": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
"commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - "
f"Remove {subscription.router.router_fqdn} from all the PE routers",
"verb": "remove_p_from_pe",
return {
"playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/update_ibgp_mesh.yaml",
"inventory": generate_inventory_for_routers(RouterRole.PE),
"extra_vars": extra_vars,
remove_pe_from_all_pe_dry(subscription, tt_number, process_id)
Perform a dry run of removing the terminated PE router from the PE router mesh.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("[DRY RUN] Remove PE router from all the PE routers")
def remove_pe_from_all_pe_dry(subscription: Router, tt_number: str, process_id: UUIDstr) -> LSOState:
"""Perform a dry run of removing the terminated PE router from the PE router mesh."""
extra_vars = {
"dry_run": True,
"subscription": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
"commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - "
f"Remove {subscription.router.router_fqdn} from all the PE routers",
"verb": "remove_pe_from_pe",
return {
"playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/update_ibgp_mesh.yaml",
"inventory": generate_inventory_for_routers(RouterRole.PE, exclude_routers=[subscription.router.router_fqdn]),
"extra_vars": extra_vars,
remove_pe_from_all_pe_real(subscription, tt_number, process_id)
Perform a real run of removing terminated PE router from PE the router mesh.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("[REAL RUN] Remove all PE routers from all the PE routers")
def remove_pe_from_all_pe_real(subscription: Router, tt_number: str, process_id: UUIDstr) -> LSOState:
"""Perform a real run of removing terminated PE router from PE the router mesh."""
extra_vars = {
"dry_run": False,
"subscription": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
"commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - "
f"Remove {subscription.router.router_fqdn} from iBGP mesh",
"verb": "remove_pe_from_pe",
return {
"playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/update_ibgp_mesh.yaml",
"inventory": generate_inventory_for_routers(RouterRole.PE, exclude_routers=[subscription.router.router_fqdn]),
"extra_vars": extra_vars,
remove_pe_from_all_p_dry(subscription, tt_number, process_id)
Perform a dry run of removing PE router from all P routers.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("[DRY RUN] Remove PE router from all the P routers")
def remove_pe_from_all_p_dry(subscription: Router, tt_number: str, process_id: UUIDstr) -> LSOState:
"""Perform a dry run of removing PE router from all P routers."""
extra_vars = {
"dry_run": True,
"subscription": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
"commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - "
f"Remove {subscription.router.router_fqdn} from all the P routers",
"verb": "remove_pe_from_p",
return {
"playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/update_ibgp_mesh.yaml",
"inventory": generate_inventory_for_routers(RouterRole.P),
"extra_vars": extra_vars,
remove_pe_from_all_p_real(subscription, tt_number, process_id)
Perform a real run of removing PE router from all P routers.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("[REAL RUN] Remove PE router from all P routers")
def remove_pe_from_all_p_real(subscription: Router, tt_number: str, process_id: UUIDstr) -> LSOState:
"""Perform a real run of removing PE router from all P routers."""
extra_vars = {
"dry_run": False,
"subscription": json.loads(json_dumps(subscription)),
"commit_comment": f"GSO_PROCESS_ID: {process_id} - TT_NUMBER: {tt_number} - "
f"Remove {subscription.router.router_fqdn} from all the P routers",
"verb": "remove_pe_from_p",
return {
"playbook_name": "gap_ansible/playbooks/update_ibgp_mesh.yaml",
"inventory": generate_inventory_for_routers(RouterRole.P),
"extra_vars": extra_vars,
Remove the device from LibreNMS.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("Remove Device from Librenms")
def remove_device_from_librenms(subscription: Router) -> State:
"""Remove the device from LibreNMS."""
except HTTPError as e:
response = e.response.json()
if response["message"] == f"Device {subscription.router.router_fqdn} not found":
return {
"librenms_error": str(e.response.json()),
"librenms_device": "Device not found, please confirm nothing needs to be removed from LibreNMS",
raise ProcessFailureError(message="LibreNMS error", details=response) from None
return {"librenms_device": "Device removed from LibreNMS"}
Apply the archiving license to a PE router in Kentik.
This includes setting the flow rate to one flow per second.
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @step("Apply the archiving license in Kentik")
def kentik_apply_archive_license(subscription: Router) -> State:
"""Apply the archiving license to a PE router in Kentik.
This includes setting the flow rate to one flow per second.
kentik_client = KentikClient()
kentik_archive_plan_id = kentik_client.get_plan_by_name(load_oss_params().KENTIK.archive_license_key)["id"]
kentik_device = kentik_client.get_device_by_name(subscription.router.router_fqdn)
if "id" not in kentik_device:
return {"kentik_device": "Device not found, no license applied"}
updated_device = {"device": {"plan_id": kentik_archive_plan_id, "device_sample_rate": 1}}
kentik_device = kentik_client.update_device(kentik_device["id"], updated_device)
return {"kentik_device": kentik_device}
Terminate a router subscription.
- Let the operator decide whether to delete IPAM resources, and remove configuration from the router
- Clear up IPAM resources, if selected by the operator
- Disable and delete configuration on the router, if selected by the operator
- Mark the subscription as terminated in the service database
Source code in gso/workflows/router/terminate_router.py
| @workflow(
"Terminate router",
def terminate_router() -> StepList:
"""Terminate a router subscription.
* Let the operator decide whether to delete IPAM resources, and remove configuration from the router
* Clear up IPAM resources, if selected by the operator
* Disable and delete configuration on the router, if selected by the operator
* Mark the subscription as terminated in the service database
run_config_steps = conditional(lambda state: state["remove_configuration"])
update_ibgp_mesh = conditional(lambda state: state["update_ibgp_mesh"])
router_is_nokia = conditional(lambda state: state["router_is_nokia"])
router_is_pe = conditional(lambda state: state["router_role"] == RouterRole.PE)
router_is_p = conditional(lambda state: state["router_role"] == RouterRole.P)
return (
>> store_process_subscription(Target.TERMINATE)
>> unsync
>> update_ibgp_mesh(router_is_p(lso_interaction(remove_p_from_all_pe_dry)))
>> update_ibgp_mesh(router_is_p(lso_interaction(remove_p_from_all_pe_real)))
>> update_ibgp_mesh(router_is_pe(lso_interaction(remove_pe_from_all_pe_dry)))
>> update_ibgp_mesh(router_is_pe(lso_interaction(remove_pe_from_all_pe_real)))
>> update_ibgp_mesh(router_is_pe(lso_interaction(remove_pe_from_all_p_dry)))
>> update_ibgp_mesh(router_is_pe(lso_interaction(remove_pe_from_all_p_real)))
>> deprovision_loopback_ips
>> run_config_steps(lso_interaction(remove_config_from_router_dry))
>> run_config_steps(lso_interaction(remove_config_from_router_real))
>> router_is_nokia(remove_device_from_netbox)
>> remove_device_from_librenms
>> router_is_pe(kentik_apply_archive_license)
>> set_status(SubscriptionLifecycle.TERMINATED)
>> resync
>> done